Chain of Command

Tawana Liz, assistant principal at Heroes ES and Bitz IS

Ms. Tawana Liz

100 Barnett Way
Camp Lejeune, NC 28547
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Tammy Allison Teacher 910-939-7310
Gretchen Allnutt Teacher 910-939-7310
Erica Alvarez Teacher 910-939-7310
Kenia Arandia Teacher 910-939-7310
Lara Bean Reading Specialist 910-939-7310
Mayra Bello School Secretary 910-939-7310
Todd Black Information Specialist (Librarian) 910-939-7310
Ebonie Brownlee Math Math Strategic Interventionist 910-939-7310
Isabella Brundige Special Education 910-939-7310
Timothy Burns School Support Assistant 910-939-7310
Erica Camacho Special Education 910-939-7310
Joseph Cherrone Physical Education 910-939-7310
Mattocks Clemestine Cafeteria Cafeteria Manager 910-939-7310
Lindsay Collins Teacher 910-939-7310
Sara Corban Special Education 910-939-7310
Dr. Erica Curington Teacher Special Education 910-939-7310
Dr. Tracy Daughtry Teacher 910-939-7310
Mariliza Duster Teacher MLS 910-939-7310
Dr. Erica Edwards Teacher 910-939-7310
Daniel Ferreira Physical Therapist 910-939-7310
Kristy Fountain School Administrator Principal 910-939-7310
Jasmine Goodrich Teacher 910-939-7310
Kristen Hansley Teacher First Grade Teacher/Webmaster 910-939-7310
Dr. Jessica Haymon Speech-Language Pathologist Speech-Language Pathologist Assessor 910-939-7310
Tony Hughes OA Clerk 910-939-7310
Duane Jones School Nurse 910-939-7310
Kimberly Kammerer Special Education 910-939-7310
Charity Kohkemper School Counselor 910-939-7310
Katheryne Lindsey Special Education Special Education Assessor 910-939-7310
Tawana Liz School Administrator Assistant Principal 910-939-7310
Alicia Marquet Teacher 910-939-7310
Dr. David Marriott Teacher 910-939-7310
Marissa McCartt Cafeteria Cafeteria Monitor 910-939-7310
Military Family Life Counselor Military Family Life Counselor 910-358-6385
Wendy Miller Teacher 910-939-7310
Ware Monique Other Hearing Impaired 910-939-7310
Tabitha Morris Registrar 910-939-7310
Susanna Norris Teacher 910-939-7310
Zachary Oles Administrative Officer 910-939-7310
Debra Orr Teacher 910-939-7310
Donelle Pistorino Teacher 910-939-7310
Patrice Powdar Educational Technologist 910-939-7310
Sybil Rains Occupational Therapist 910-939-7310
Katie Reed Teacher 910-939-7310
Casey Rodriguez Teacher 910-939-7310
Amy Rush Teacher 910-939-7310
Kimberly Sandy Teacher 910-939-7310
Deborah Saxton Teacher 910-939-7310
Rebecca Scott Music 910-939-7310
Jessica Sermarini Teacher Special Education 910-939-7310
Mindy Thompson Advanced Academic Program and Services 910-939-7310
Tonya Weaver School Psychologist 910-939-7310
Andrea Whatley Teacher Special Education 910-939-7310
Brandon Williams Teacher 910-939-7310
Beverly Wischnowsky Teacher 910-939-7310
Grace Zaras Speech-Language Pathologist 910-939-7310

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours Early Release Wednesday
PK - 5 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Office Hours 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Teacher Hours 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Breakfast is available beginning at 8:00 AM. Students should begin arriving for breakfast at this time to ensure they have time to eat. They are dismissed to class at 8:20 AM.

8:00 AM Students may enter the building through the gym, where they will line up with their class either in the Gym or Cafeteria
8:20 AM Students are dismissed to class. Gym doors close and students will enter the building through the front entrance
8:30 AM Bell - Instructional Day Begins
8:31 AM Students are counted as tardy
8:33 AM National Anthem and Pledge

Students arriving after 8:31 AM are considered tardy and must be signed in by a parent/guardian.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

  • All students must be in their classrooms by 8:30 AM to be counted present.
  • Students arriving to class after 8:31 AM are counted tardy.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

You will be asked to complete an Inclement Weather Form/Early Dismissal Form. This form notes the means of transportation, for your child, in the event of an early school closing due to dangerous weather conditions or other emergencies. If your child must go home by another means one particular day, you must notify the school in writing at least two hours prior to dismissal. For security reasons, no changes in transportation arrangements will be made by phone. In the event of an unexpected early release from school, children will be sent home by the means of transportation listed on the Inclement Weather/Early Dismissal Form. Please talk to your child/children about your plan for early dismissals. Local radio and television stations, as well as, One Call Now calls will provide parents with information regarding inclement weather and early dismissals.

Arriving to School

  • Students should not arrive on campus before 8:00 AM as there is no adult supervision prior to that.
  • All students will enter the building through the Gymnasium doors.
  • Students eating breakfast should proceed to the cafeteria at 8:00 am.
  • Students that are not eating breakfast should proceed to designated classroom spot in cafeteria.
  • Classroom teachers will pick their class up from the cafeteria at 8:20 AM.
  • National Anthem and Pledge will be at 8:30 AM to prepare for instruction to begin after that.
  • Students arriving after the National Anthem and Pledge must report to the office
  • Children arriving after 8:31 AM are tardy and must be escorted by a parent to the office for a pass.

Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures


Children transported in private vehicles will arrive and depart at the front of the school. Students are to wait for school personnel on duty to open car doors and to assist students out of vehicles each morning. In the afternoons, an adult will escort students to their vehicle and will assist them with getting in and using seat belts. To support with moving traffic through the arrival and dismissal area efficiently and safely, parents are asked not to get out of their vehicles. Again, school personnel will assist students in and out of vehicles. Carpooling does reduce the number of vehicles in our entrance area during arrival and dismissal and is encouraged. The speed limit in school zones is 25 miles per hour; in parking lots, 5 miles per hour. For the safety of all, do not meet in the bus areas or shoulders of the main roads. Children and parents are asked to only cross roadways at designated cross walks or where there is a crossing guard.


Bicycle safety regulations are the same as enforced by PMO. Students should not ride double and protective head gear must be worn. Bikes should be marked with identifying numbers and locked to the racks individually. Walkers should use the buddy system going to and from school. Encourage your child to go straight home, use the sidewalks, avoid the woods and stables, and obey crossing guards. Children riding scooters to school must follow the base bicycle safety regulations. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be walked across the road at marked crosswalks.


Bus transportation is offered to students who live one mile or further from school. This service is provided to safely transport students to and from school each day. Students should use the bus stop closest to their homes and should arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to pick-up and wait patiently in an orderly manner. All bus riders should be reminded to stay on the sidewalk until the bus comes to a complete stop before stepping into the roadway to board the bus. Any conduct or activities that threaten the health, safety or welfare of the bus driver, other students or any other riders in any manner could result in indefinitely terminating all bus riding privileges. Therefore, it is essential that the home 24and school work together to make our buses safe for children. When necessary, the bus driver will counsel children who do not follow the bus behavior expectations. If students continue to choose not to follow the bus safety expectations, bus drivers will write a Bus Incident Report for school administrators. The principal and/or assistant principal will review the incident report with students to determine an appropriate consequence. Parents will be called each time a Bus Incident Report is written regarding a student's behavior that does not comply with the behavior expectations. Repeated incidences will result in suspended bus riding privileges. Bus riding behavior expectations are to provide the safest transportation for students as possible. We appreciate your vigilance and support in this effort.

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