School Activities


The Heroes Elementary School flag team is a small group of volunteer 5th grade students.  These students have been nominated by their teachers and the previous year’s flag team members.  These individuals have a sense of citizenship, community se...

Meets on: Monday,Wednesday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday

Meeting Time: 0815 - 0825

Girls on the Run is an after school activity that teaches girls how to live a healthy lifestyle on the inside and outside. The girls will have a lesson each practice and then participate in running activities.  The girls will run a 5k at the end of ...

STRIDE is a fun running program for boys that meets twice a week for 10 weeks after school. STRIDE utilizes games and group activities to teach running, impact health concepts, and help develop excellent character. During the 10 weeks, the curriculum...

Heroes Elementary School's WINners' Club is an after-school literacy and math support opportunity.  Students are invited to participate by their teachers based on their current gaps in literacy and math standards.  WIN stands for "What I Need" and ...

Meets on: Monday,Tuesday,Thursday

Meeting Time: 3:10 - 4:00

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